Zur Ergänzung des Teams in unserem Büro in Bonn suchen wir eine/n frankofone Fachkraft für Projektfinanzen (m/ w/d ), der/die an einer vielseitigen Tätigkeit in einer Consultingfirma interessiert ist.
L’objectif du présent marché est de fournir une Assistance Technique au BAON et à certaines directions du Ministère auprès de la Présidence en charge de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage (MPAE),...
The purpose of the advisory services is to provide high quality and SMART (specific, measurable, attainable,relevant and time-bound) services to increase development impact, to spur policy changes and investmentsto realize...
L’assistance technique vise à renforcer la structuration et le fonctionnement de l'interprofession riz du Mali ainsique ses capacités techniques pour lui permettre d'assurer pleinement ses missions.
The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Project is aimed at enhancing competitiveness of rice value chains in Khammouane, Saravan and Savannakhet provinces, and vegetable value chains in Vientiane Capital, Champasak and...
The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Project is aimed at enhancing competitiveness of rice value chains in Khammouane, Saravan and Savannakhet Provinces, and vegetable value chains in Vientiane Capital, Champasak and...
The project aims to support smallholder coffee producers, processors, traders & their organizations to improve productivity, quality with focus on specialty and traceable coffees, value chain development and trade transparency...