Trust, Continuity, Agility: GOPA Group's Cornerstones for Advancing Nigeria's Energy Agenda

Trust, Continuity, Agility: GOPA Group's Cornerstones for Advancing Nigeria's Energy Agenda
April 12, 2024

Fact: Nigeria has more diesel generators than cars. With over 220 million people, Nigeria sits at an important crossroads of its development: it is facing a two-part challenge of providing reliable and sustainable energy solutions for its vast and growing population, while also addressing the environmental, social, and economic implications of its prevalent reliance on diesel generators.  


GOPA Group operates with the conviction that successfully tackling Nigeria’s urgent need to transition to sustainable energy sources requires deploying state-of-the-art renewable energy products alongside supportive policy frameworks. This approach must be complemented by widespread access to financing, a cohesive and dynamic stakeholder network, and gender equity policies embedded within energy institutions. 


Multi-faceted approaches best addresses energy challenges 


“Our job is to bring two kinds of innovation to the energy sector: organizational innovation and technological innovation,” says Anil Ghatikar, Managing Director at GOPA intec. Capacity-building plays a key role in both of these by helping ensure that all players involved are equipped to take that innovation forward. In line with this objective, GOPA intec is currently actively involved with Federal government of Nigeria to establish an energy-focused training institute, the largest of its kind in West Africa, with financing support from the European Union and AfD. 


This project, to which GOPA intec contributes technical expertise and curriculum design and GOPA Worldwide Consultants contribute knowledge of organizational development strategies, is just one example of GOPA Group companies working together on a sustainable development project. Both GOPA intec and GOPA AFC are also key members of the consortium spearheading the World Bank-funded Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP), aimed at increasing access to sustainable solar power across 19 African countries. While GOPA AFC is strengthening the capacity of financial institutions in supporting SMEs in the off-grid solar market, GOPA Intec is creating a unified and dynamic network of stakeholders that promotes the growth and sustainability of the solar energy sector.  


Continuity and trust drive renewable energy adoption 


In addition to effective collaboration, continuity also plays a vital role in the long-term sustainability of Nigeria’s energy landscape. GOPA intec, born at the intersection of the energy sector and international development, is uniquely positioned to tackle this challenge. Founded in 2009 in Germany, GOPA intec quickly succeeded at delivering projects in the power sector in Africa, starting in Nigeria in 2009s. GOPA intec continues to evolve alongside its stakeholders, providing not only consulting services but also renewable and sustainable energy solutions across Africa, Asia, and Europe through a network of ten local offices and teams.  


“Our partners trust us because we know the history and the cultural context of where we work,” says Ghatikar. Indeed, working in Nigeria -- the most populous country on the African continent -- poses unique challenges. Its six Geopolitical zones and over 200 ethnic groups make it a complex environment to implement new policies and regulations while introducing the latest clean energy technologies. Whether executing the NESP premium grid project with an all-Nigerian team amidst COVID lockdowns or navigating the complexities of the rural e-mobility sector, GOPA intec's local expertise empowers it to tread where others often hesitate.  


Agility helps GOPA navigate uncertainties and drive innovation 


GOPA intec's extensive experience in the Nigerian energy sector has led to the company becoming extremely agile in its ways of operating. This agility, resulting from having an established network of staff on the ground in addition to a global network of experts through other GOPA Group companies, has increased GOPA intec’s access to resources that can easily be deployed, mobilized, and demobilized.  


Thanks to GOPA Group’s continuity, trust, and agility in the energy sector, the company has built a portfolio of over 60 projects in Nigeria in the last 15 years. Recognizing the urgency of tackling Nigeria’s energy crisis, GOPA Group continues to make significant strides towards a greener future for Nigerians.  




 Image: GOPA Intec energy project, Nigeria (credit: GOPA Intec)